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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
DUNCAN gold super special 19
ECCO special PHENYLE 5
ELVEE special qiwam 34
EMROZ special garam masala 30
ENKEY kanpur special +flag 17
ES special 30
FAUJI special +god 3
FIRDOSE special dulhan 3
FORTUNE orissa special 33
FOSTER'S f special bitter 32
FOXES wax special +dogs 34
G GAJARA special zarda 34
G.K. special GANGA KAVERI 16
G.S special +star 13
GAJARA special zarda 34
GANESH brand special +god 30
GEF CHILLO special fat 29
GLASGOW special 32
GODREJ special chrui 31
GOLD special 7
GOLDEN special spices +oval 30
GOLDEN EAGLE special soda 32
GOOD LUCK special +man woma 3
GOUTAM mung urad special 30
GP GAURI special chai 30
GRAH LAXMI special suji rus 30
GREENLAND special +hill 34
GULF lcv special 4, 12
GUPTA special gajak namkeen 30
GURMCO baker's special 30
GURU special +flowers 3
GURU special +oval 30
HAL-special 30
HALWAI special +man & food 30
HANUMAN special dhoop +god 3
HANUMAN-100 special bathi 3
HARI OM special mixture 30
HAYWARDS special 33
HAYWARDS special brandy 33
HAYWARDS special whisky 33
HEART TONE-e (special) 5
HEENA special k +bird 33
HEERA special milk rusk 30
HERSHEY'S special dark 29
HIGHSTREET special 33
HONEY chhap special +boy 34
HOTEL special SSP +building 30
HRS royale special +triangl 32
HUZAIFA special 21
special 16
INTOUCH lets make special 21
INTRANCA special +peacock 24
INVO power inverter special 9
J&N INSTA COLOR special 2
JAGROMIN 99 special 1
JAI JANTA special bidi +man 34
JAIRAM special 1975 +circle 3
JAIVIN special 24
JASE CUERVO special +bottle 33
JASVANT LIMDA special soap 3
JAY special 25
JAY special +ovals 17
JAYANTH special 30
JOHN BULL special whisky 33
JOHN PLAYER special england 24, 25
JOSHI special bidi +man 34
JPS JOHN PLAYER special 34
JPS john PLAYER special 25
JPS-JOHN PLAYER special 34
JYOTI chhap special slate 16
K.G.M special +sheep 25
KALAI-DEER special tobacco 34
KALASH GOLD special tea +po 30
KALAVARA special rice 30
KALYANAM special 30
KAMAL special +flower 3
KANGSUI special 7
KANIKA special elaichi 30
KANSAI special 7, 20
KATUL special besan +cow 30
KELLOGG'S K special 30
KESAR special mehandi +man 3
KHANDESH special +chef 30
KHERIA KAVARI special +star 7
KHILARI special +man 34
KHURANA special soap 3
KISAAN-special 6
special 30
KISSAN special 7
KMC special +drop 29
KOHETOOR special fain 30
KP special bidi 702 +man 34
KRANTI special +man & cow 34
KRIMPI'S special whisky 33
KRISHNA special barfi +god 30
KRISHNA ARJUN special dhoop 3
KS konaseema special +tree 29
KUMUDAM bhakti special +lam 16
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